Photo Credit: Sarina Talich


This is an inactive board.
Members: Tim Salmen (citizen), Ray Johnson (citizen), Commissioner Roger Hageman, Commissioner Kelli Wollmann, Buildings and Grounds Superintendent, Sheriff, Emergency Manager, 911 Director, State's Attorney. Ex-officio, City of Madison Police Chief and Jail Administrator.


The Lake County Public Safety Building Advisory Committee (LCPSBAC) was created by the County Commission and serves at their pleasure. The LCPSBAC's scope is to:

  • Review the previous work done by the informal building committee and determine the need for further analysis;
  • As necessary, further analyze or recommend to the Commissioners ways to obtain the needed analysis; and
  • Recommend to the Commissioners options to resolve building systems, structural, security, and spacing needs

The Commissioners may also refer specific questions or issue further instructions to the LCPSBAC at its discretion.

Agendas and Minutes

Additional Resources and Information


The PSBAC is not currently meeting.


Plat Deadline 2/24/25
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Complete Plats due for 03/04/2025 meeting

February - License Plate Renewal C/D/E
Saturday, February 1, 2025

Vehicle License plate renewal for vehicle owners with the FIRST letter in their LAST NAME that beings with C or D or E.

Lake County © 2025. Developed by Intuvio Solutions.

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